The Belgian Weightlifting has elected the new Board Members for the next Olympic cycle, on January 14, 2025.
The new board is composed of equal representation from both the French and Flemish speaking communities in Belgium.
- Tom Goegebuer, (co) President (representative Flemish community), three-time Olympian and European Champion
- Dominique Jan, (co) President (representative Walloon community)
- Bieke Vandenabeele, General Secretary (representative Flemish community)
- Isabelle Genot, Treasurer (representative Walloon community)
- Tom Demunter (representative Flemish community)
- Lucie Vanneste (representative Walloon community)
- Glenn Van Thuyne (representative Flemish community)
- Jean-Paul Ferrari (representative Walloon community)
Communication details Belgian Weightlifting:
Belgian Weightlifting (BeWL) (not yet online)
Office : Zuiderlaan 14 – 9000 Gent, Belgium
Bieke Vandenabeele, General Secretary: , Tel/Whatsapp +32 484 05 41 40
Tom Goegebuer, Co-President Belgian Weightlifting :, Tel/Whatsapp +32 474 98 49 73
Dominique Jan, Co-President Belgian Weightlifting: , Tel/Whatsapp +32 475 86 53 87
Tom Goegebuer is prominent figure in Belgium and European weightlifting communities. He participated in the 2008, 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games and 2009 he won gold in 56 category on European Championships with total of 252 kg. As a natioanl team coach he participated at the 2020 and 2024 Olympic games. Now he is the member of the EWF CRSC.
The EWF congratulates the new Executive Board and wish them good luck in future work.