On the 23rd and 24th of August 2024, the municipality of Bobrov in Slovakia, on the border with Poland, successfully hosted a new edition of the traditional Visegrad 4 The tournament, reserved for talented athletes aged up to 18 and 23 years old who come from countries that belong to the historical Visegrad group: the Czech Republic,
Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia.

At the start, the competition gathered a total number of 79 athletes (41 in the U18 age category and 38 in the U23 category), who competed to win beautiful medals
and trophies.

The competition was not only a new competitive experience for the weightlifters from the 4 countries in central Europe, but also an opportunity to show their talents in the perspective of promotion to the national teams and participation in European and world competitions, all this with the desire to take part, one day, in the supreme competition, the Olympic Games. This year’s edition was hosted by the Weightlifting Federation of Slovakia, led by President Tomas Chovanec and the general secretary Vladimir Hudec. The competition was opened by the state secretary of sport ministry Jan Krisanda and the state secretary for the environment Filip Kuffa.

Both declared themselves extremely satisfied with how the competition went and with
the fact that they managed to ensure the continuity of this historic and extremely important tournament for the weightlifting community in central Europe and also for the entire continent. “It is very important to develop our sport on a regional level. For many of the athletes it was a special experience and we hope it will not be the last. We were happy here in Dobrov with the presence of the president of the Czech Federation, Dusan Kovac, and the member of the Executive Committee of the Polish Federation, Jacek Goralsky. In 2025, the competition will be organized in Hungary, and in the coming years in the Czech Republic and Poland. Through this rotation, we are trying to help each other and improve the level of our sport in the V4 region”, Hudec happily declared at the end of the action.

The team ranking, established by the Sinclair score, at the end of the competition was as follows:

HUN – 3 415.1547 points
POL – 3 337.9964 points
CZE – 3 109.1380 points
SVK – 2 967.5921 points

The complete results by age category and gender, as well as the absolute ones, can be consulted by accessing the official website of the Slovak Federation.


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