With the intention to constantly be updated and improve the activities of our federation, the EWF has to revise or amend its basic documents regularly.
After identifying the areas of interest that require some improvements to make the EWF Constitution more efficient and to improve our work, the EWF Executive Board took action intending to intervene on some points, which are now presented to you below for further operations.
The supreme authority of the EWF is the Congress. According to the EWF Constitution,
the Congress has the power to:
· Amend this Constitution (article 4.1.1.);
· Decide on motions proposed by the Executive Board or by NF Members to issue, amend, or annul Rules (article 4.1.3.).
Following a consultation, the EWF Executive Board approved the following proposals for the EWF Constitution amendments:
1) Article 1.9 EWF (EWF Logo)
The new proposed EWF logo can be found here.
The activity began at the previous Congress in Sofia, where the new EWF Logo was presented and discussed. Because the logo is the organization’s visual identification, we want to adopt a more modern approach in this sense that we consider it indispensable
2) Article 4.1.9
Version in force: Approve the Executive Board’s proposal for the award of the right to host the European Weightlifting Championships (Senior, Junior, Junior under 23 Y.O, Youth and Under 15 Y.O) to a full NF Member.
The version proposed:
Must be clearly informed about the Executive Board’s decision to give/grant the right to host the European Weightlifting Championships (Senior, Junior, under 23 Y.O., Youth, and Under 15 Y.O.) to a full NF Member.
Explanation: The intention is to ensure that the Continental Federation operates smoothly. The best example comes from the recent past when one NF withdrew from organizing the European Championships, and another organizer was appointed quickly, given that it was an Olympic qualification competition (Sofia). All of these necessitated procedural activities that, if completed, would have resulted in the European Championship not being held in Sofia due to a lack of time to complete all of the necessary procedures. In this regard, we propose that the EB selects the organizer of the European Championship and inform the Congress, as this ensures that the EWF body operates efficiently and effectively in the interests of all the MFs.
3) Article 4.2.2
Version in force: The Electoral Congress. During the year after the Olympic Games, the EWF shall hold elections. The Congress meeting that will be held in the European Senior championship after the The Olympic Games will be called an Electoral Congress meeting, at which the President, General Secretary, Treasurer, First Vice President, Vice presidents, and six other members of the Executive Board and the Committees will be elected in accordance with the rules of Congress and Elections (part 2 Elections).
The version proposed: The Electoral Congress. During the next year after the Olympic Games, the EWF shall hold elections. The Congress meeting that will be held in the European Senior championship after the Olympic Games will be called an Electoral Congress meeting, at which the President, General Secretary, Treasurer, First Vice President, Vice presidents, and six other members of the Executive Board and the Committees will be elected in accordance with the rules of Congress and Elections (part 2 Elections).
In extraordinary circumstances (which can lead to situations such as the postponement or cancellation of the European Championships or other matters addressed by the Executive Board), the EWF Executive Board will decide for a new Electoral Congress dates and location, to be held in any case no later than one year from the period established by the EWF Constitution.
Version in force: The Athletes Commission shall be made up of no more than six (6) members and will have a balance of male and female members and representation from different continents who are eligible according to the criteria outlined in Article 12.11. The Athletes Commission must at all times have at least Three (3) members who are female, and Three (3) members who are male.
Version proposed: The Athletes Commission shall be made up of no more than six (6) members and will have a mandatory balance of male and female members and representation from different countries who are eligible according to the criteria outlined in Article 12.11. The Athletes Commission must at all times have at least three (3) members who are female, and three (3) members who are male.
Version in force: The Athletes Commission will not have two (2) athletes from the same country.
Explanation: A better explanation is provided.