The IWF Congress was held in Riyadh (KSA), on September 11th, 2023, and the most important topic was the reform of the IWF Constitution. The support for the Constitution was even stronger, with 139 positive votes cast, indicating that the document was unanimously approved. A 75% majority was required for this document to be revised successfully, and it received 85.2% support from IWF full members.
The IWF Constitution update (adopted in August 2021) included a rigorous study of the wording to facilitate reading and understanding of its substance. Specific adjustments clarify National Member Federation membership procedures, continental and regional association regulation, the call for ordinary, special, and electoral congresses, and the altered quorum for constitutional change ratification (from 3/4 to 2/3 of the members), the separation of the functions of the General Secretary and the Treasurer, precisions regarding the terms of office (particularly for Executive Board ex-officio members), and updates on the appointing authorities.
The first-ever IWF Strategic Plan got unanimous approval, with 114 delegates affirming this critical roadmap in the IWF’s history.
Finally, the IWF recognized a few people associated with the weightlifting globe. The Collar was given to Ursula Papandrea (USA), Sam Coffa (AUS), Craig Walker (CAN), Intarat Yodbangtoey (THA), and Chang Chao-Kuo (TPE), while the Hall of Fame distinction went to Kyle Pierce (USA) and Sabah Abdi Abdulah (IRQ, posthumous).
Meetings of the IWF committees, commissions and EB were also held, as well as a meeting of the IWF Intercontinental Commission, together with representatives of manufacturers of weightlifting equipment.
The IWF World Championship was held from September 4 to September 17, 2023. We’ll remember it for the record number of athletes and nations who took part, and the few remarkable world records.