Following the conclusion of the EWF Congress in Durres (ALB) held in October 2022, informal EWF zoom Forum – EWF Event Challenges – took place on 16th November 2022 with the main goal to improve EWF events.

The EWF welcomed the 23 representatives present during the forum confirming the continuation of the good practice of holding Zoom Forums on critical EWF topics.

During the Covid-19 crisis era it’s not easy for the LOC, and it’s not easy for the event participants, there are many challenges to organize a successful event.

Participants approach several topics as ITO’s accommodations, EWF events allocations, how to improve technical rules, accomodation and food during the championships, medical protection, live streaming high quality including the warm up activities streaming, possibility to organize separately Snatch and Clean & Jerk competitions, medal reallocation (if necessary), how to implement two competition platforms during the championships, were the main topics discussed.

All the participants welcome the continuation of EWF Zoom Forums as the new practice as useful and shows democratic approach in EWF operations


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