From October 28 until 30 the 2022 German Weightlifting Championship will take place in Böbingen, a little weightlifting enthusiastic town of 5.000 inhabitants in the Southern part of Germany. 173 lifters will compete for gold, silver and bronze. Worth to mention that the majority will be female lifters with a total number of approximately 100. Moreover, almost the whole German national team will take the Nationals as test for the upcoming World Championships in December in Colombia such as: 

Lisa-Marie Schweitzer (European Champion in Snatch 2022)
Simon Brandhuber (European Medalist 2022)
Sabine Kusterer (Olympic Athlete 2021)
Max Lang (European Champion in Clean & Jerk 2021)
Nico Müller (European Champion 2018)

You can watch the competition live on EWF Facebook platform. The stream will be provided by 

The competition will commence on Friday, October 28 at 10.30 CET.”


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