The training camp in Split, Croatia, was officially opened on the 6th of September by IWF President, Mr. Mohammed Jalooud and EWF President, Kt. Antonio Conflitti.
It is marvelous to see an increase in the number of female coaches, and we appreciate the involvement of 9 EWF Federations, 40 athletes, and 15 coaches. Morning activities outside begin the day.
After that, there are two gym sessions as well as evening classes for both the coach and the athlete. Lead coaches are Colin Buckley (Ireland), the EWF CR&SC Chairman, and Damjan Canzek (Slovenia), a member of the IWF & EWF CR&SC. They are working with the federations’ coaches to share and learn with all of the federations.
The IWF President Mohamad Jalood, the EWF President Antonio Conflitti, the EWF General Secretary, Milan Mihajlovic, and the General Secretary of the Croatian Weightlifting Federation, Amar Music presented awards to officially launch the camp.
The key to these training camps’ continued success is inclusion, participation, and pleasure for everyone.
On September 7th, Dr Romano Latinović from Croatian Institute for public health learned young weightlifters about anti doping regulations.
Additional camps will run in 2023, and we’ll start advertising in December. EWF is grateful to Croatian weightlifting federation, the host organizing federation, and IWF for their support of this training camp.