The European Weightlifting Federation attended through its delegate Mr. Alexandru Padure, EWF Fair
Play Commission Chairman, the official activities of the International Committee for Fair Play in
Budapest – 17-19 June 2022. Therefore, following the acceptance of EWF Membership in the CIFP, IOC-
recognized organization, the continental weightlifting governing body participated at the International
Fair Play Conference, the World Fair Play Awards Ceremony and the General Assembly.
The World Fair Play Awards Ceremony 2019 and 2020, was opened in the beautiful Buda Castle by CIFP
President Jenő Kamutis speech, that reminded the concept of Fair Play is present from the antiquity in
the sports movement and highlighted the crucial and growing importance of these values nowadays,
taking into account the contemporary challenges of sport in general. The opening was also marked by a
video message of IOC President Mr. Thomas Bach. The Event was enjoyed by the presence of high
Hungarian sports authorities, the presence of the EOC President Spyros Capralos and several IOC
Members. Awards were presented in several categories to all those who have proven correct or fair
behavior in sports in various forms worldwide.

On the agenda of the General Assembly’s discussions, in addition to the current points to be met, topics related to the need to increase efforts and commitments for the global dissemination of Fair Play values in the context of the essential link between sport and fairness were presented and debated. The topic of transgender participation in women’s sports is also extremely interesting for the Fair Play movement, which also anticipated the need to take a firm stand on this concern. Last but not least, in addition to highlighting the activity of CIFP and the European Fair Play Movement, the issue of the dramatic military conflicts involving Russia and Ukraine was also debated in the sense of the impact generated on the sport globally.

The activities organized in Budapest were connected by a common encouragement and appeal for the Members of the Fair Play Committee to take any form of action to spread the principles and values. The European Weightlifting Federation has reaffirmed its commitment to continue Fair Play and Anti- Doping projects undertaken and investigate any other opportunities of good practice for spreading the values of fairness in our community. On the occasion of the EWF Membership acceptance at the CIFP, the EWF Fair Play Commission Chairman on behalf of the EWF President, General Secretary and Executive Board presented to President Kamuti an appreciation award.