We are very pleased to announce that the European Weightlifting Federation will continue to manage the administrative part of the EWF’s competitions (Entries, Transportation, Accommodation, Final Verification Meeting) and seminars through a new and very friendly platform developed by our partner Easy Sport.
The EWF EASY ENTRY SYSTEM will allow the electronic and centralized management of all stages before the start of our competitions or seminars in compliance with the Regulations and Rules in force.
In this regard, the EWF provided all Federations with user names and passwords to access the EWF EASY ENTRY SYSTEM platform.
The EWF EASY ENTRY SYSTEM will allow you to go through all the pre-competitional administrative steps according to the deadlines and key dates and, finally, participate in the 100th Edition of the EWF European Championships in Albania.
The EWF opened the platform for the first procedure:
Technical Officials nomination / Period: 15-21.03.2022