The EWF strives to create a safe environment for weightlifting competitions.

The EWF Executive Board appointed an EWF Covid-19 Officer to develop recommendations and guidelines for the weightlifting community in order to work toward the reinstatement of weightlifting in gyms, training  and competition venues.

Considering that each region of Europe has a unique situation, national regulations must take priority. The resources and guidelines provided here are only useful if they are contextualised.

Useful information:

World Health Organisation advice and recommendations.

IOC updates and Corod-19 advice for athletes

WADA recognizes that athletes have concerns about antidoping in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, WADA has created a Q&A document with the assistance of its Athlete Committee that addresses some of the most frequently asked questions. 

                                                                                                                                                           Mr. Colin Buckley EWF Covid Officer